Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sahalie Falls Willamette National Forest

Sahalie Falls Mt Hood
Sahalie Falls
Koosah Falls
During recent months I have noticed an increased number of folks using the search terms Sahalie Falls or Sahalie Falls Mt Hood. I then realized that there might be a little confusion on these falls. Yes there are two separate falls named Sahalie in Oregon the lesser-known one is located on Mt Hood, which I have already Blogged about in the past. The larger and much better know Sahalie Falls is located just off of Hwy #126 in the Willamette National Forest near Clear Lake. If you are in the area I highly recommend a trip to these falls which have the added bonus of seeing the rather spectacular Koosah Falls a mere ¼ mile away. You may also wish to make a short side trip by car to visit Proxy falls Located on the Old McKenzie River Highway #242 about 9 miles from Highway #126.
Proxy Falls
 Note: as of June 2010 when I was there Highway # 242 is blocked by a snow-gate at the 11 mile mark. You can photograph the falls but will have to double back if proceeding on to Bend or any points East..