If you’re are interested in finding these falls they are actually in the closest proximity to you’re’ vehicle than others on the mountain. Basically the falls are located right off of Hwy #35 just North of the Mt Hood Meadows Ski Area and just South of the Meadows Nordic Area. You can access these falls from three areas: 1. When snow is not to much of an issue take the Meadows Ski Area turnoff and look for an access rd that goes North just prior to entering the Meadows parking area, this will lead you to the old hwy and the falls. 2. If you’re looking for a bit more exorcise then continue North on Hwy #35 and take the Elk Meadows turnoff traveling to the trailhead and work you’re way back south to the falls.
The absolute quickest and most direct way I have found is to simply park in a wide turnout on the West side of #35 just slightly North of the Meadows turnoff. The wide spot isn’t very wide so I would suggest parking you're vehicle facing uphill or south so you can open the drivers door without it being up against the guardrail. As you park you will be able to see an arched over pass that was once part of the original Highway. You may now step over the guardrail and work you’re way up the creek two catch the double tier of the falls or you can climb straight up about 300 ft to the falls. You will be standing on the old highway overpass when looking at the falls. The compositions are slightly limiting here as well.
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